Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger Modern Bodybuilding - Encyclopedia

The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding is perhaps the greatest Bodybuilding book to ever be published and nothing has ever come close or even been attempted.

This book is incredible for so many reasons and one of the biggest reasons is its level of indepth information. This book covers everything from modern bodybuilding history to exact exercises performed by the greatest bodybuilders in history. The first paragraph of the book mentions a mantra about the changes of modern bodybuilding and its evolutionary process.

This is what is says verbatim:

“At the end of the nineteenth century a new interest in muscle-building arose, not muscle just as a means of survival or of defending one-self; there was a return to the Greek-ideal-muscular development as a celebration of the human body.”

To understand the full spectrum of how incredible this book is, you have to know the contents of the book. Here’s the chapter titles:

Book 1 – Introduction to Bodybuilding:

  1. Evolution and History
  2. The ABC’s of Bodybuilding
  3. The Training Experience
  4. The Gym
  5. Getting Started

Book 2 – Training Programs:

  1. Basic Training Principles
  2. Learning Your Body Type
  3. The Basic Training Program
  4. Advanced Training Principles
  5. Building a Quality Physique: The Advanced Training Program
  6. Competition Training Program
  7. Mind Over Matter: Mind, The Most Powerful Tool

Book 3 – Body Part Exercises:

  1. The Shoulders
  2. The Chest
  3. The Back
  4. The Arms
  5. Biceps Training
  6. Triceps Training
  7. Forearm Training
  8. The Thighs
  9. The Calves
  10. The Abdomen

Book 4 – Competition:

  1. Posing
  2. Total Preparation
  3. Competition Strategy and Tactics

Book 5 – Health, Nutrition, and Diet:

  1. Nutrition and Diet
  2. Weight Control: Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat
  3. Contest Diet Strategies
  4. Injuries and How to Treat Them

IFBB English Grand Prix 1996

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Monday, January 4, 2010

BodyBuildings 13 Secret Exercises

When it comes to exercises, physique champions are not bound
by the shackles of just doing the regular so called core exercise
movements all the time; rather they are always experimenting,
looking for unusual or more efficient exercises to perform.
Do as the champion bodybuilders do by closely examining the
exercises you are currently performing and see if they are giving
you the results you desire.
Here are some of the little know secret exercises physique
champions use to keep their muscles big & defined. All of the
following exercises offer some new twists to the regular
exercises you may have been doing previously – which will
transform a dull, arduous, run-of-the-mill workout into an
exhilarating and inspiring, enjoyable and productive experience!


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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dorian Yates - Blood And Guts (DVD Rip)

Dorian Yates - Blood And Guts
DVDRip | 320x240 | AVI | DX50 960 kbps | 29.97 fps | Aspect ratio: 4:3 | MP3 64 kpbs | 693 MB
The DVD starts off with Dorian Yates and a brief introduction, explaining his position as the world's #1 bodybuilder and introducing us to the intensity we are about to witness. By the time of the filming, Dorian had won The Mr. Olympia title four times, and would later go on to win it twice more, in 1996 and 1997 respectively. At the time of the video, Dorian had been training for 13 or 14 yrs at the time (since 1983) at Temple Gym in England and had been competing since 1985. His early contest history was good; at 226 pounds he was then spoken of as a future Mr. Olympia winner. By the time of the 1990 Night of Champions he was 235 pounds in and September of 1991, he placed second to the unbeatable Lee Haney in the Mr. Olympia Contest. The 1992 Mr. Olympia Contest marked Dorian's first win and the beginning of a streak. He then won between 1993-1995, and after a biceps tear in 1994, he still won. In 1995 he won again, as the heaviest man on stage.

In 13 years in bodybuilding, Dorian Yates gained 70 lbs of shredded mass.

Dorian's training was a unique style, of the high intensity variety created by Mike Mentzer. Each body part is trained every six days using a four day split. two days on, one day day off, repeat. HIT - blood and guts - that's what Dorian was all about. He performed one set with maximum intensity each exercise, and several warmup sets preceeding it, then one maximum set to failure and beyond. No ego lifting, no sloppy form. Dorian's form was textbook perfect, something which would normally prevent injury, but Dorian's high intensity made him victim of several injuries. Sometimes you can't have it all.

Dorian's training is included below, as well as pictures to go along with the description of his workouts.


* Incline Bench - 185, 225, 315, 405X6
* Seated Press - 1,1, then his training partner does a set.
* Incline Dumbbell Flyes - 80, 110X8
* Cable crossovers X 1
* Seated Incline Curls (both arms at the same time)
* Some stretching between sets
* Cambered Standing Curls X2
* Machine Curls (Single Arm) poor left biceps from the 1994 tear


* Leg Extensions X1
* Leg Press (PERFECT ROM) X1
* Leg Extension X111 (last is heavy set)
* Leg Press Over 1000 lbs X3
* Hack Squats X11
* Lying Leg Curls X1
* Stiff Legged Deads w/ wraps X1
* Single Leg Hamstrings Curls X1
* Standing Calf Raises X11
* Seated Calves X1


* Seated PulloversX111
* Machine Pull ins X11
* Bent Over Barbell Rows X11 (with 4 plates for reps, textbook perfect form)
* One Arm Machine Rows X1


* Bent Over Machine Rows For delts (side lateral types) X1
* Bent Over Dumbbell Rows for delts (side lateral types) X1
* Weighted Hyperextensions
* Stiff legged deadlifts X11

Shoulders / Triceps

* Smith Machine Military Press X111 (1,2,3 plates)
* Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals X11
* Cable Side Laterals X1
* Shrugs X1

* Long bar tri pulldowns X111
* Nose breakers X1
* One arm cable reverse curls X1

Afterwards he flexes his triceps showing his excellent detail and separation. Some screencaps are shown and then the end credits run.

Overall, the DVD was very well done - made in grainy black and white to highlight the intensity of the training shown. Few other bodybuilders have displayed the work ethic that Dorian has in training DVDs, although there are a few noteworthy, one of the most similar in terms of style would be that of Markus Ruhl as seen in his training video - Made in Germany.

This DVD is one of the most popular and in many ways has yet to be beat. It is also the only bodybuilding video Dorian produced. It is worth having as part of any bodybuilding video and DVD collection, and especially for any fan of Dorian Yates.

Joe DeFranco - Built Like A Baddass

Built like a badass is one of the most unique and effective training programs ever created by Joe DeFranco and his team!

This 12-week program was designed for weekend warriors, average Joe's and washed-up meatheads who want to possess the strength, conditioning and muscularity of a college or professional athlete! Police, Fire and Military personnel have also had tremendous success with this program. Two of the key features of this badass program are that you're only required to train 3X per week and there is no special equipment needed to complete any of the workouts. Virtually anyone can perform this program - NO EXCUSES!

This ebook includes the background and methodology behind this program; an extremely detailed 12-week training program with video links to all uncommon exercises; and an FAQ section at the end.

NOTE: This is a downloadable ebook - it is NOT a hard copy book that gets delivered in the mail! Once you purchase this product, you will receive an email with a link to the ebook in it.

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Pavel Tsatsouline - Beyond Bodybuilding

This is the latest book from Pavel (how many people are recognized by their first name alone?) and it’s a blockbuster: Large 8.5 X 11 format, 327 pages including index, 250 excellent photos, 38 workout charts, eight sections (articles and Q&A) on PowerTraining, Training Planning, Back, Legs, Neck & Shoulders, Arms, Chest, and Naked Warrior (bodyweight training ). You get the essence of most-all of the strategies, tips, routines and fine points Pavel has developed over many, many years for the military, police, martial artists, gymnasts, powerlifters, weightlifters, and many more athletes and men and women interested in muscle and strength. BeyondBodybuilding is a compilation of many of Pavel’s best articles over the course the last few years (he may be the most prolific strength and fitness writer ever). Smash yourtraining plateaus, overcome injuries, make unprecedented strength gains and grow more muscle…with a classic education in the wisdom of the past—and the scientific breakthroughs of the modern day masters. It’s all there for the taking.

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Built For Show by Nate Green

No-nonsense workouts to build a lean, strong, eye-catching physique.

Every guy is looking for an edge, some way to get single women his age to notice him more than they do now.

Unfortunately, most guys have absolutely no idea what kind of body automatically flips a girl's attraction switch. Nate Green does.

Built for Show is the first fitness book to address young men on the prowl. It’s not just written for them; it’s written by one of them. Green, who’s just twenty-three years old, is already a veteran fitness professional who’s been quoted in Men’s Health and Maximum Fitness

But Built for Show is more than just a workout book. It also provides:
· Realistic nutrition advice to feed the muscles and starve the fat without breaking the bank or spending hours in the kitchen
· Tips on dressing right, looking the part, improving your social status, and settling into your new lifestyle
· Quick ways to assess posture, with useful exercises to fix flaws and improve self-presentation, no matter the situation.

The detailed programs include over fifty exercises, illustrated with over one hundred original photos.

Neither a weight-loss guide nor a body-building manual, Built for Show instead reveals to guys exactly what they need to build the body they – and women – want. magazines. Green offers four twelve-week workout programs, each with a seasonal theme. The fall and winter workouts add muscle size and strength that’ll show even under layers of clothing. The spring and summer workouts burn fat and chisel the showpiece muscles—creating a lean, cut, beach-ready physique.

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Championship Bodybuilding - Chris Aceto's Inst. Book For Bodybuilding 2001-2009

This is a comprehensive, easy to understand, guide for the man or woman who wants to build a great body or for the competition type bodybuilder. The author divides the training section into 3 parts; training for the novice or very beginner, training for the intermediate or more experienced trainee and training for the advanced bodybuilder. Within each training section, Aceto covers training schedules, repitition ranges for building muscle strength, size and endurance, set selection, and exercise prescription. Each exercise is described with a 3 dimensional drawing allowing the reader to grasp the range of motion that best fits each exercise. He also covers muscle physiology, the comparison between 2b fibers and 2a muscle fibers and the importance of developing specific training methods to maximize your gains. The delicate issue of aerobics is also covered with exact guidelines for the pre-contest bodybuilder as well as the trainee simply trying to lose some body fat. Specifically, Aceto calls aerobics, "One of the biggest myths in body fat control. Getting lean is about building your metabolic rate by building lean body mass and manipulating your nutrition plan. For most, aerobics is a way to short circuit progress, not enhance it." The nutrition section sets down exact formulas to find precise amounts of calories, carbs, protein and fat one needs to build up or lean down-whatever his or her goal. The latest supplement are also covered from creatine to glutamine and contest bodybuilders will appreciate the sodium and carbo loading techniques. Championship Bodybuilding is all about instruction. A thorough plan that will help you transform your physique!

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Bodybuilding - The Dinosaur Strength Training Notebook

Once again America's favorite backyard strongman puts ink to paper with a handy desk reference type follow up to his enormously popular Dinosaur Training. Each of the 110 chapters can immediately be adapted to your training regimen providing information, motivation and as usual, awesome results.

Sample topics include: The Vertical Bar Lift; An Abbreviated Training Session; Does Dinosaur Training Work; The Steroid Mindset; The Exercise Police; Another No-Nonsense Training Session; A One Exercise Workout and Other Abbreviated Programs; A Twenty Minute Workout; More Things the Muscle Mags Never Tell You; etc. Spiral bound so it can be opened and laid flat to any chapter to get a mega dose of inspiration and instruction in your home gym! Another great addition to any strength training library from the man who has steered the common weight lifter back on course with successful home training!

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